Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Are women that complicated or our Men too lazy to bother!!

Yes women are complicated but i think men have us women all sorted out there! [Please read the comment by Baiju to my previous post 'wedding or dating']I think in most cases and out of my experience - with the number of male friends I have had in my life and spoken to, they all know what women want! They all know how women think and all that they expect from them.The problem I feel is for men to put into action what they already know! Is it very difficult to express your feelings once in a way without having being probed by us? Men know that for women out of 4 weeks in a month, 3 weeks we are hormonally challenged! Yet is it too much to ask for you to be a bit understanding and not fight back when we act like a total pain in the bottom? Is it difficult to just hold us and tell us that it’s ok and just kiss us and the fight will be gone in a second…I can guarantee you that!Is it too much to remember an anniversary or things about how our relation started off? Is it difficult to understand eye contact when in a crowd or to get us gifts for NO reason at all? I am sure that men are not that insensitive or ignorant as they seem to have been portrayed or spoken about…’s just about doing the right thing at the right moment.I agree it can be tiring but trust me ill tell you something that can help any relation…which is, that women love to talk and if your willing to listen she will tell you exactly what you can do to stop all the bickering and her nagging….all you got to do is remember….what to do and when…! That’s your keyword – Remember!


Baiju Samuel said...

Hmm... Point(s) Noted... "Remember" the keyword ;)

But does this crystallize the difference what men and women want? Not sure that any answer will ever sum up the difference of the sexes. Polar opposites in most areas; especially thinking v/s feeling… logic v/s emotions... physical v/s ideal...

I say that most of the time... women don't even know what they want; and when they think they know what they want they later find that it's not what they wanted after all. Confusing rite? That’s how women are... Talk about a mouthful of ideas and indecision. Imagine that thought process; it must be exhausting, confusing, unstable and unpredictable.

Men just want a close companion to share adventures with and have sex with. Women want some prince charming perfect God-man that doesn't exist. Guys know they are loved, but need to know they are respected. Women know they are respected but need reinforcement on the love. (Does not infer sex, talking about connection, romance, friendship)

But above all; what I feel is... there should be a connection... a default understanding; which comes from somewhere inside... may be that’s why people tend to search for a soul-mate after they come into a relationship...

Don't allow men into their comfort zones if you want them to keep chasing you. Why are they lazy? Because, you allow them to be! You have given them the power to be the way they are, or at least to stay the way they are. Men do bother but they are lazy to express.

Rajani Poduval said...

Question is, and this is to the male commenting. Would you continue to be lazy if you knew your behaviour was endagering the relationship itself, lil by lil, day after day...
If yes, then I'm sure all will agree, that the relationship is not worth continuing after all.
And if not, then how can we women make you men understand the gravity of the situation?

Scorpian said...

Women usually use the left side of the brain which is linked to the logical, verbal, detail sorting side of our brain. Men on the other hand mostly use the right side of the brain which is the non verbal more intuitive side of the brain. The main difference being that women like to talk and express and rationalize but for men it’s black and white. It’s either one way or another. They do not engage much in conversations or feel emotions the way as women would. But that’s how we are made...!

But it isn’t fair to say that women don’t know what they want....they might take longer to shop or decide on things then what men might do but I think that is more so because we have an idea of what we exactly want and seek that and just that. Where as for men it doesn’t matter....everything can do...and they know how to make the best of what they have! Who are we to decide which would be a better trait to acquire?

We don’t give men all that they want to make them lazy. We don’t do it and expect something back in return either. We do it because we care and that is again a very primitive natural instinct of a woman. Yet, as I said we don’t expect it back, but acknowledgement of the same is welcome! As Rajani said is it worth endangering the relation itself? We are good to strangers and would return a favor back to our friends, then why not do it for your loved one? Why is it difficult to be nice to the person who you would be spending your life with?

I do believe in soul mates and I believe to have found mine. But about getting the perfect companion, no one is perfect, be it 'male or female'. But when you know that he/she is 'the one', you don’t know when you start trying to make the effort to get it right because you just don’t want to loose it. It might be difficult but when it’s with the right person, it’s all so worth it my friend! :)