Monday, June 2, 2008

Wedding or Dating?

Every girl has the much awaited dream of having the perfect dress at the perfect wedding with the perfect guy....but are weddings just over rated in a girl's head?
I wonder where the tradition began of when a girl would have to leave her home and come and live in with her husband and his family. Not only do you feel like an uprooted tree but the emotional baggage that a wedding brings along is not a piece of cake! But to be fair in most relationships it is usually the girl who is more eager to get married, where as the male species have been trying to escape us women from having to 'pop' the question for eternity. So in most cases it us women who want to get married and have a family and all the moments followed by it yet we complain of how cumbersome it is to move out and leave our family and accept a group of strangers who now become 'my family'. Dosent dating just sound a lot more fun? But dating is just not good enough either is it....we want more because we want to feel loved and belonged and want to come home to a waiting husband and a family and special moments that only can be shared with a husband.....because a boy friend just wouldnt understand...
Arent we women just complicated ...


Baiju Samuel said...

“Arent we women just complicated...” You are absolutely right...Women are very complicated. I think the reason most women get complicated is because they tend to use their feelings more in a relationship, add issues and insecurities on top of that and not knowing how to be real and straight… there you go… a complicated mess that leaves men confused. Now, I must add that men also play numerous games that confuse woman. In general… men, I think, are more one way thinkers and logical, whereas women tend to be multidimensional thinkers and emotional. Men are generally easy to understand, they want good food, great sex and power. Women want men to read their minds and get the moon for them if they want.

About Dating & Marriage – Women are picky at any age and feel they are too good... yet want attention from all guys… if they don’t get the attention, they get mad. Men are all about looks themselves… it works both ways, but men are just as bad. It is a shame that personality really doesn’t seem to matter much in the dating world today. Very sad… Anyhow the difference between men and women in regard to dating is the “objective of dating”. Generally speaking, men can be casual about it because there's no pressure. However, most women date to find a potential husband. Girls at some point have to be picky because, if things don't work out in the long run it is much more difficult for older women to date than it is for older men. Sometimes girls try to find the cross between the good guy who won't break their heart and the exciting guy who can keep their adrenalin pumping. There is somebody for everyone.

Guys can figure out anything in the universe and probably fix-it. Guys can't figure out women and they sure can't fix-it.


Scorpian said...

Yes Baiju women are all about attention and they crave it all the time. But if you have the right woman in your life you will know/ realize that a woman can be all about giving....attention,care,love...u name it! so it would only be fair to return the same back, dont you think?
And about being picky with dating....i completely agree with you. Men can have a complete emotion free - no baggage involved relation whereas women somewhere in the first few dates start imagining if this man can be her husband!! Yet who can blame us...its unfair but natural and a fact for men to look younger as they grow older and for women to look just older as they grow older!!
Please dont pick on us for being picky when we know we have a limited number of years to look our best !:)